Macurco TXP-C20 & TXP-C40
Macurco TXP-C20 & TXP-C40
2 and 4 Channel:
Alarm Control Panels The TracXP C20 and TracXP C40 are versatile control panels that provide signal conditioning, display, and alarm functions for up to four input channels. Both control panels come standard with two programmable relays. A large graphic LCD screen displays engineering units, 30-minute trends or bar-graphs. Status indicating Yellow and Red LED’s provide highly visible real time alarm status and three adjustable alarm levels per channel. Versatile input options include 4-20 mA inputs or combinations of bridge (Catalytic Bead/IR) and toxic (Electrochemical) sensors. Output options include 4-20 mA, Modbus® RTU, dual Ethernet Modbus® TCP bridge, and additional relay outputs
Applications: • Oil & Gas - Upstream - Mid-stream - Downstream • Refining & chemical production • Water / wastewater treatment plants • Food & beverage facilities • Metal manufacturing • Pulp & paper • Power generation
Quick Specs:
- Accepts up to 4 inputs
- Graphic LCD readout display
- Three alarm levels per channel
- A dedicated horn driver circuit
- Two standard 5-amp alarm relays are configurable
- Real-time clock and calendar
